Why do Arabians watch porn?


Oh God, it is so simple to answear to this. Because we all do that!! Because we need to relax from time to time and you might find yourself out of partner or out of mood for one night stands. And what do you do then? Surprise, you watch porn.

Of course, the subject is so controversial because of the main religion there: Islamic religion. Allah is not so happy with his followers watching www.tube8.com movies. I mean, you are promised 70 virgins when reaching Allah's I don't know, dimension, and you watch porn instead? Shame on you.

Just kidding. Guys, porn is something we all need from time to time and no one, nor Allah nor God (which is the same thing but let's keep it that way) can persuade us to not do. I mean, if you feel the need, then you feel the need. We are biologically programmed to watch and like porn. We are biologically programmed to eliminate the stress in our bodies by sexual mean from time to time and as I said , you can't always have someone to satisfy your needs so you try on satisfying them yourself. It is simple as daylight.

So, why do Arabians watch porn? Simple: because they want to, because they need to, because they like to, shall I go on ? you do not have to have a reason for doing so. You just have to go with the flow. You feel like watching it? Then type your favourite porn site and watch god dammit.

Do not shame with watching porn, I'm begging you. Wheter we admit it or not, we all do it. Don't look at the person sitting next to you and say : "he surely looks like an innocent one, he can't be watching porn". Wrong. Innocent, not innocent, we are all clocks who need to be adjust from time to time

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